My current research profile is at google scholar.
Higher education, field of study, skills
- Who earns the iron rice bowl? Major marketability and state sector jobs among college-educated workers in urban China. Chinese Journal of Sociology.
- Interdisciplinary College Curriculum and Its Labor Market Implications. PNAS.
- Reproducing the Working Class? Incongruence between the Valuation of Social-Emotional Skills in School and in the Labor Market. Sociological Perspectives.
- Staying in STEM or changing course: Do natives and immigrants pursue the path of least resistance?. Social Science Research.
- Aligning Science Achievement and STEM Expectations for College Success: A Comparative Study of Curricular Standardization RSF.
- Explaining Cross-National Variation in the Health Benefits of Tertiary Education: What Are the Roles of the Skills Gap and the Earnings Gap? European Sociological Review.
- Gendered transitions to adulthood by college field of study in the United States Demographic Research.
- Concentration and dispersion: school-to-work linkages and their impact on occupational assortative mating The Social Science Journal.
- Assortative Mating Among College Graduates: Heterogeneity Across Fields of Study Marriage and Family Review.
- Unrealized fertility: Fertility desires at the end of the reproductive career Demographic Research.
- John’s Presidential Address at PAA, at around 20 min he discussed this paper.
- Estimates and Meanings of Marital Separation Journal of Marriage and Family.
- The Neural Bases of Status-Based Influence Socius.